Monday, March 23, 2009

Presidents, Cats, and Spring Break

Presidential Me
Apparently, President Obama made an appearance on "The Late Show with Jay Leno" last week. The next day, one of my students informed me that he'd watched the show, and as he was watching, he couldn't help but notice how much Obama reminded him of me. "Not when he's being all political, but when he's just relaxed and talking normally, he sounds just like you." When he said this, it occurred to me that I considered it a compliment, whereas if the same conversation had happened a year ago, I might have felt as if I'd just been disrespected. What a difference a year can make.

When the mice are away, the cats will play
Last week was Spring Break for the kids, so all three of them wrangled an invitation to spend a couple of days at their grandparents' casa (where, apparently, all they did was watch movies, eat, and play on the computer). Anyway, this meant that Katie and I were on our own for several days in an empty house. When Connor found out about this plan, he looked at me and said, "I know what you and Mom are going to do - you're going to have 'loving time.'" Actually, all we did was watch TV, eat, and play on the computer.

Speaking of cats
We now have a new/old cat. More specifically, she's a donated cat, that was donated because the people she was living with got a dog, which freaked out the cat so bad that she started hiding under the bed all the time and only coming out on rare occasions, so they figured she might be better off in a house where she would be the only pet. We've had the cat for a week now, and I've only actually seen her (out in the open) a couple of times. Usually, she's hiding under a bed, curled up in a closet, burrowed under blankets behind our couch, or cowering behind the dryer. I do see her every night, though, because it's my job to extract her from under our bed (apparently, I'm the only one that has long enough arms to reach her). Hopefully, she will become a little less crazy once she gets used to her new setting. Connor likes her, though, and called home several times when he was at his grandparents (maybe during breaks between movies?) to check up on the cat. To be honest, I think Connor and this cat have an awful lot in common. Not sure if that's good or not.

TNT update
Our group continues to pile up the miles, although quite a few people are struggling with the fundraising this go-round. I'm guessing this is related to the economic mess we're in right now, but I'm hoping everyone is able to stick with it and pull through - mainly because of situations like this one… One of our participants had a tough time with the mileage (which was 12 miles). She was running that day to honor an acquaintance (a little girl who lost her battle against cancer when she was 12) and the connection between the girl's age and the mileage that day was especially meaningful to her and she really wanted to have a good run. Unfortunately, she ran out of steam after about 10 miles and struggled to finish - which led her to feel like she'd, "let a dead girl down." As we assured her that what she'd done was heroic and that she shouldn't feel anything but pride, it struck me, as it often does, how much we all carry around inside ourselves that we rarely let out. Sometimes people amaze me.

Last week, one of my readers (I have "readers?" - it feels really weird to type that in - maybe since this is "not a blog" all of you are actually "not readers"?) posted a comment asking why I wrap up with a summary - as in, don't I think people remember what they just read - so we'll switch things up just a bit this time 'round and close with an honest and sincere hope that until next time, your vegetables remain fresh, your brackets remain unsullied, and your chameleons remain colorful.

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